Your job search

Making your job search easy and finding you the perfect job

Prism Executive Recruitment has well over 20 years’ experience of working with experienced management consultants to find them make their job search easy. This often means placing clients in the perfect consultancy job, whether this be within the sector or in a role “client side” that makes use of their valuable skills.

We are experts in this complex and complicated market. We will never claim to handle the broadest range of consultancy vacancies, or worse, bombard you with irrelevant consulting jobs. We believe in taking time to understand your short- and long-term career aspirations and present job opportunities which match your objectives. We believe in making your job search aligned to your short term and long-term career goals.

Our process

Candidates typically come to Prism via a number of routes. You may apply to one of our advertised roles, use our Contact Us form or be referred by a friend or colleague.

In each case we will review your CV and LinkedIn profile to determine whether we are able to help with your job search or progress your job application. If we are able to do so we will usually arrange a telephone or video meeting.

If however we do not handle the level or type of management consultancy jobs which would be of interest to you, we will be honest and endeavour to provide you will other more appropriate avenues to explore. We think a realistic assessment of our ability to help you is preferable to false promises.

Interview preparation

We take great care to present relevant, well-qualified roles to prospective applicants and invest considerable time in coaching and guiding them through the process. We believe that thorough preparation is essential to ensure interview success. We are frequently told that our briefing and active management of the job cycle is both rare and of an exceptional standard.

Ongoing career support

Prism strives to maintain an ongoing relationship with candidates and take an active interest in helping their career development. Many of the candidates we place remain in the same company but move to a more senior role within 2 to 3 years – a measure of our success in matching candidates to employers for the long term. We are also very happy when candidates become clients – a frequent occurrence.

The testimonials we receive from both candidates and clients are evidence that we provide a uniquely professional service which is why we were voted winners of the “Top Management Consultancy Recruitment Award” for 10 consecutive years while it was running.

The Guides section of our website includes a wealth of valuable and helpful guides and articles to help you to succeed in your job search.

Elsewhere on our website, you will find advice on CV preparation, how to excel at interview and the latest Salary Review.

View our current vacancies