Brand matters for Management Consultancy Firms

A Management Consultancy firm’s brand is just as important for potential employees as it is for potential clients.

Source for Consulting’s research suggests that 40% of senior executives view brand as an important (or ‘significant’) factor in their view of a consultancy firm and a similar percentage feel it has some relevance.

Brand importance cf consultancy firm

Brand is seen as most important for specialist consultancy firms and least relevant for mid-sized generalists. In most cases consultancy firms have built brands to communicate values such as integrity, intelligence, etc, but for a specialist firm it is increasingly important for a firm to communicate what it does.

It should however also be remembered that a corporate brand stands for the relationship that an organization has with its employees, and of course potential employees i.e. management consultancy job seekers.

When a consultancy firm is recruiting it is vital that:

  • It keeps its employer brand and values at the forefront of the selection process throughout its engagement with candidates;
  • Candidates should be viewed as customers and brand and reputation are important to them.

In the Global Shapers Annual Survey 2015 company culture was seen to be one of the three most important things that “millennials” want from work.

For a consultancy firm to attract candidates it needs to be aware of the power of its brand (or address the weakness if necessary) and ensure that the selection process and candidate experience reflects that.

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